How we developed an ERP system for the Internet provider that not only arranges internal processes, but increases customers’ loyalty as well
According to Cisco, by 2023, the number of the Internet users will grow by about 6% and there will be almost 5.3 billion people around the world. The M2M Internet connection has to become the fastest growing category of consumption with 2.4 times of increase by the end of 2023. At the same time, the global growth of devices and the number of connections will be almost 2 times more than the growth of users (10% versus 6%), and almost 10 times faster than the growth of the global population (10% versus 1%). This tendency to the Internet space modernization sets very severe requirements for the Internet providers. In order to satisfy the demand of consumers and guarantee a high level of service quality, the need of creating transparent, efficient and effective business processes for telecommunication companies is becoming increasingly required. How? Using ERP systems.

If we evaluate the dynamics of the ERP market, there is a stable annual growth, on average, by 10%, which will be hold until 2026. At the same time, an increasing number of medium and small businesses with a hybrid form of entrepreneurship prefer self-written ERP software. Indeed, according to analysts, 60-70% of the basic functionality of box systems is not used by enterprises, while the necessary options need to be implemented for an additional fee and for a very long time. Exactly in such a situation the Internet operator of Belarus asked us to develop a personalized ERP system with the necessary functions that would solve individual business problems.
Problems that were needed to be fixed with the help of ERP system:
Among the key problems of ISP there are:
- Distribution and arrangement of tasks for staff, managers and offsite specialists. Depending on their importance, significance and urgency for a stable Internet connection, and, therefore, the work of a company.
- Development of a control system for the efficient use of employees' working time: solving current problems, working with clients, servicing the company's internal processes.
- Development of a subscriber network coverage map with reference to up-to-date information about devices, Internet delivery status.
- Creation of customer cards with the ability of automatic and manual updating of information about payments, technical problems, service packages and binding to a coverage card.
- Creation of a flexible system for tariff zones management, personal offers and additional services provision.
- Management of customers’ personal accounts, automation of calculations and review calculations.
- Automation of stock balances management for removing thefts, material overruns for personal and business purposes completely, as well as for the technical readiness of the installation department to provide services rapidly.
- Development of analytical solutions for creating personalized reports, database management and predictions.
ERP system for automating internal processes and interacting with customers
Specialists of “Riverbank & Co” had been studying the features of the Internet provider for a long time. As a result of complete sinking in the nuances of service, we’ve defined the direct dependence of the growth in demand for company services from the speed of solving customers’ problems by the installation and technical department.
The final format of the ERP application has 5 main modules:
1. Tracking system.
Its key task is the operational tracking of technical errors in the supply of the Internet client network and their immediate elimination by the current labor resources of the company.
The system based on KANBAN analytics allows you to distribute tasks according to their importance, significance, source and solutions. Thus, the installation and technical departments accept work on connecting a new subscriber, eliminate failures on local distribution networks and expand the coverage map according to the schedule by laying new cable lines in time.
Due to this module, the Internet operator was able to reduce the total cost of IT services by 2%, to accelerate the execution of orders by on average 7% and to increase the productivity of all departments by at least 12%.

2. Network map.
The main function of this module is to track detailed information about existing, disconnected and new subscribers on the coverage map for the provision of services and the elimination of failures in time.
The network map based on the SNMP protocol to receive data from network devices about their performance and activity. It displays all the clients of the Internet provider, allows to control access to the network, taking into account the features of network connection and check information of each subscriber. So, you can check information on tariffs, terms of service, payments and the amount of money on the account, and also customer interaction history online due to data from the billing system.
This module due to the combination of 2 diverse systems made it possible to simplify the work of connection managers, to improve relations with current customers by on average by 5%, to reduce the routine load from remote service operators by at least 10%, and to increase the accuracy of customer data by 12% as well. As a result, the Internet operator received not only a simplification of routine processes, but increase in loyalty of the target audience to the brand as well.

3. Warehouse accounting module.
The main priority of the module is to create a unified control base of stock balances and target consumption of materials by specialists. In conditions when devices and consumables (cables, amplifiers, adapters) are up to 10% of the balance cost of the enterprise, monitoring of this company’s article is the main task.
So, the module allows you to automate the accounting of stock balances completely: from receipt to the warehouse to write-offs by specific orders by authorized specialists, that is strictly monitored by the system.
Due to it, the Internet provider was able to optimize stock balances by at least 7% and reduce material losses of the company by almost 93% due to the absence of thefts and inappropriate consumption of goods and materials.

4. The analytical module.
Its main function is to process the entire package of information received in the DBMS of ERP-applications to simplify and accelerate management decisions. So, the module allows you to generate reports according to a number of criteria and information sources. As a result, the company's management can analyze the work of the company, the efficiency of the use of specialists' labor time, the volume of regular receipts and write-offs of materials, and predict future expenses and incomes.
Using this module, the Internet operator was able to improve the information base for decision-making by at least 10%, and also to manage financial resources 3 times better.

5. Personalization module.
The main task of the application section is to configure access, authorities, interface and functions for each specialist and department.
With its help, the company managed to eliminate duplication of duties, increase the responsibility and diligence of specialists, improve control over the work of the entire company in general.

In the conditions of a dynamic client base and the specifics of the company’s work, when regular monitoring of the status of work with the user is required, the Internet operator has received a flexible tool that is modified and scaled along with the growing demand for services. At the same time, Riverbank & Co has been conducting the project for a long time, so that all the technical requirements of the company are implemented quickly with the support of specialists 24/7.